Friday, February 25, 2011

2/25/11 - In class excersise

Once you have a game idea in mind, these are the questions you must ask yourself in order to turn it into a fully fledged game concept. You don't have to be precise or detailed, but you should have a general answer for all of them.

1)     Write a high concept statement: a few sentences that give a general flavor of the game. You can make references to other games, movies, book, or any other media if your game contains similar characters actions or ideas
 It is an action RPG with with main character being a High School student who gets caught up in a feud between two assassin groups.
2)     What is the player’s role? Is the player pretending to be someone or something, and if so what? Is there more than one? How does the player’s role help to define the gameplay?
The main character is forced to join an assassins group and train as well as help the group stop the enemy from summoning a creature
3)     Does the game have an avatar or other key character? Describe him/her/it
The main character is a nerdy, horny 18 year old boy who is a bit of a loner. 
4)     What is the nature of the gameplay, in general terms? What kinds of challenges will the player face? What kinds of actions will the player take to oercome them?
The player will have to travel to other friendly assassins bases and secure ancient artifacts and preventing the enemy from gathering the relics. In his quests he will have to fight off enemies as well as gain trust in his fellow assassins.
5)     What is the player’s interaction model? Omnipresent? Through an avatar? Something else? Some combination?
 The players interaction model is through an avatar.

6)     What is the game’s primary camera model? How will the player view the game’s world on the screen? Will there be more than one perspective?
3rd person camera as well as first person when aiming certain weapons
7)     Does the game fall into an existing genre? If so, which one?
It is an action/adventure RPG.
8)     Is the game competitive, cooperative, team-based or single player? If multiple players are allowed are they using the same machine with separate controls or different machines over a network?
Single player with co-op. The co-op will allow you to play with someone next to you on the same console or online with other players.
9)     Why would anyone want to play this game? Who is the game’s target audiencde? What characteristics distinguise them from the mass of players in general?
They would want to play this game because it is an action RPG with a good storyline to keep the player hooked and on the edge of their seat. The target audience are males ages 16+. Entertaining story seperates this game from others.

10)   What machine or machines is the game intended to run on? Can it make use of or will it require any particular hardware such as dance mats or a camera?
It is a console/PC game that uses the controller that comes with the console.

11)   What is the game’s setting? Where does it take place?
It takes place in modern day world.

12)   Will the game be broken into levels? What might be the victory condition for a typical level?
The game is broken into levels  seperated by years and adventures.

13)   Does the game have a narrative or story as it goes along? Summarize the plot in a sentence or two.
It has a story to go along with it.The story takes place in the present and follows the story of an 18 year old boy who gets sucked into a world of assassins and needs to join their ranks in order to save the world.

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